Instructions For Determining The GPS Beacon In The Car

Siraj Tanoli
3 min readJan 4, 2022


The car tracker is a small-sized device that provides real-time tracking of the location of your cars.Users of GPS tracking systems and car owners who suspect the presence of such devices should know how to find the GPS in the car. Due to the tiny design, the device can be installed anywhere in the vehicle, which will be completely invisible. To find it, you need to know the simple tricks described in our article.

GPS beacon in the car

An active GPS beacon is intended not only for determining the location, but also for transmitting other information. Modern technologies allow you to see the route of the car, fuel consumption, tachograph data, set tasks for the driver and other options. You can use the data from your phone, computer or other gadget with a downloaded application.

Technological developments of this level contribute to the efficient organization of the vehicle fleet. But today we are talking about something else, about how to correctly and quickly determine where the tracker is located. To do this, follow these steps:

Carry out a visual inspection of the car, and it is better to do this with a flashlight. Some appliance models can be tiny, while cheaper appliances are oversized.

Inspect the chassis, bottom. Most often, trackers are installed in these places, away from the body. Therefore, you should pay attention to the presence of wires, the place of fixation of the device itself.

Inspect each wheel. In addition, you should check the plastic wheel arch liners, body parts.

Car tracker can be located in the inner cover of the bumper, so attention must be paid to this area as well. Small trackers are great at camouflaging in the door trim section. An exception is the lower part of the hood, as high temperatures can damage the gadget.

Inspect the interior, in particular the seats, recesses between the seats, trim, glove box.

Run luggage compartment diagnostics. The small beacon is perfect for hiding under the upholstery or in the corner of the compartment.

The correct way to determine the location of the beacon

Finding a GPS-tag on your own will be problematic. The car owner will have to spend a lot of time, be patient and be extremely careful. Manufacturers produce different models of trackers, differing in technical capabilities and sizes. If a large beacon can stand out against the background of the general area of ​​the car, then a tiny gadget cannot be found without special technologies.

A more reliable search option, which will give an accurate result, will be the use of electronic devices. Special hand-held detectors can intercept the signal of the active car tracker. Qualified craftsmen and specialized companies have all the possibilities and possess modern technologies for the use and search of GPS beacons. Therefore, if you are tired of the tiresome and hopeless car inspection, it is best to turn to professionals.

Whereas previously GPS car tracking technologies were associated with detective stories, for a progressively developing society it is a great way to improve business performance. Using fleet trackers, management has full access to information on how to complete production tasks. Any errors, deviations from the established standards will be immediately tracked and displayed in reports. If a GPS car tracker is needed precisely for such purposes, then welcome to the world of high technologies.



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