What if the policeman is after the traffic light?
It happens that the contestation of the passage with red is made by an agent of the Municipal Police who stopped after the traffic light, perhaps even at a certain distance from it. Can the fine, perhaps unjust, that has been given be contested?
The undertaking is not an easy one. What is declared in a report by an agent “is authentic until a complaint of forgery,” that is until the fined citizen denounces the agent for not having written the truth.
Therefore, a statement by a policeman has a much higher value as proof than the simple word of a fine. Questioning the minutes is challenging; however, even this type of appeal can be successful by gathering enough evidence.
For example, highlighting where the traffic light was stationed (after the traffic light, far from it, without the possibility of actually seeing the lights of the device) or highlighting the on and off times of the traffic light itself, which may have been misinterpreted by the agent on the base of the other crossing equipments.
Help also comes from your smartphone: if you are sure you have gone green, don’t forget to immediately take pictures of the traffic lights or other details of the places that can help you prove your reasons.
Contesting a fine at the red light with T-Red: is it worth it?
T-Red. This technology is at the root of the controversy surrounding the infamous red-light fine. Instead, the cameras allow you to identify red passing vehicles that do not respect the stop.
The T-Red system uses two cameras: the color one records the intersection when the traffic light is red, the infrared one identifies the license plate with a reading that reaches 50 times per second. High technology, but it seems that it is not immune to errors: several suspicious situations have been identified, and there has been no shortage of appeals for alleged malfunction.
The opposition against a fine at the red light can be presented to the Justice of the Peace or the Prefect: to be accepted, the dispute requires evidence, for example, the demonstration of the malfunction of the video camera.
Furthermore, unlike the Speed camera, the T-Red does not require periodic calibration, so the argument of lack of maintenance on the device also loses its validity.
To learn more about the subject, I suggest you look at our guide to contest a fine: here you will find all the valuable information to appeal and understand whether or not it is convenient to oppose a report.
Is it possible to appeal by supporting the thesis of the yellow minimum times? The latest rulings of the Supreme Court define a three-second yellow as valid, so the advice is simple: be careful when driving.
Fine at the red light: your experience
It seems that red light fines have increasingly become a method of making cash and not a tool for sanctioning those who do not respect the rules.
Do you agree? Have you had similar experiences? Did you also pay a fine for being “passed” with red? Leave the experience in the comments.